Around the Circle

Your On-Campus and World News Briefing


After returning home from walking across the country, Associate Professor Thomas Zurhellen received national news coverage, most notably from NBC Nightly News, covering his VetZero project.

Associate Professor of Social Work, Daria hanssen, was honored by the Board of Trustees’ prestigious Faculty Award for Distinguished Teaching. This award is given to professors who exemplify the highest quality of teaching and commitment to their students. 

Marist College students crowded the front green outside the James A. Cannavino library on Friday Aug. 30 to see the wide variety of clubs Marist is home to.

Classes are still being held in Dyson after plans of renovations have been postponed.

Marist athletic teams are off to a fast start, performing well across the board. Check out our sports section in the back for more in depth analysis of Marist Athletics.


The Amazon Rainforest continues to burn at a rapid rate. Blame shifts to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro worldwide, who puts economic development over vital environmental precautions. 

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom faced strong backlash on Sep. 4 against his plan of leaving the European Union without a deal in place by the end of the month.

Hurricane Dorian ravished the Bahamas, worldwide effort begins to help bring relief to the disaster stricken area. Damage caused is beyond what was expected to come to the small island. Recover and rebuild efforts are in full swing.

Vaping related illnesses continue to be at the forefront of young adults minds. Following a string of illnesses revolving around vaping, Michigan will become the first state to ban the sale of flavored vaping products.

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