McCann Center Renovation Update

$33 Million Renovation on Schedule

Over the last three years the Marist community has been side stepping around construction zones of immense projects, the largest of which is the McCann Center. 

The construction is nearing completion, and with that comes an abundance of amenities Marist students can reap the benefits from. 

Dr. Geoffrey Brackett, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer for Marist College expressed what exactly the completion of the McCann Center means for Marist College.
“The completion of McCann is a significant step in the next phase of our campus development, and our goal to provide one of the finest college campuses in the country,” Brackett said, corresponding through email.

The $33 million renovation will add 60,000 square feet, replacing the demolished 25,000 square feet that previously stood there. 

While it may seem like the renovation has been going on for an extended amount of time, Brackett assures it is on time. “The project has been scheduled to open at or near the end of the Fall term.” 

Finishing touches will be added over winter break in order to prepare for a January 2020 ribbon cutting. 

Started prior to Fall 2018, the auxiliary gym and main weight room were torn to the foundation, preparing for a total renovation. After three semesters the outside facade has been reconstructed and the overall aesthetic of the gym is coming together. 

Features being added to McCann dwarf the previous state of the building, helping not only Marist D1 athletes, but also students. 

“Key spaces of the new building include a large weight room, scheduled for D1 athletics during daytime hours; large fitness room; two basketball courts; an indoor running track;  a multi-purpose turf court; three multi-purpose classroom/fitness rooms,” Brackett stated. 

In addition to the improved fitness areas, renovations include an outdoor roof deck and a café lounge area. Renovations of McCann create a cohesive learning, fitness and relaxing space for students. 

Prior to renovation, McCann had limited learning space for the School of Science and School of Communications and the Arts. New space will be added to benefit these schools for our Doctorate Program in Physical Therapy and Sports Communication classes respectfully.

The McCann renovation and improvement was funded by the James J. McCann Charitable Trust. This trust has helped the Marist community fund projects vital to the Marist campus, while it funds this current renovation, it also helped fund the original construction of the McCann Center. 

“The McCann Trust has a long history of generosity with the College and the Poughkeepsie community,” Brackett concluded.  

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