Learning a language in the Library

Weiss Language Center offers services students do not know exists

The benefits of learning another language are plentiful: higher pay, more job opportunities, easier travel, and interestingly enough, a four year delay in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. While we are all at different stages in our college career, I’m sure that we can agree that we want to hold onto our Marist memories for as long as possible. Am I saying you should take up Spanish in order to offset something that won’t affect you for another fifty years? Yes. That is exactly what I’m saying. You senility is at stake here.

The Weiss Language Center, located on the third floor of the library, is staffed five days a week by a dynamic group of Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Russian language coaches, ready to assist you on your language learning journey. This free, student-run service is particularly helpful for those enrolled in a language course, but the Center is open to anyone who wants to learn! If we don’t have a tutor for the language you’re interested in acquiring, one of the staff members can guide you in creating an independent study plan. Play Assassin’s Creed or Skyrim in the language of your choice on our PS4s, or ask a coach to show you their favorite app/website for vocabulary memorization. As envisioned by Dr. Gaugler, director of the WLC, it is truly an excellent example of what language learning should look like in the 21st century, and we are lucky to have such a valuable resource on our campus. 

Regulars such as Mia Benenati, a freshman at Marist, find the WLS to be indispensable. “The language center has been a huge help to me because I've never taken Italian so I was really starting from scratch. Making appointments online is very easy and getting one-on-one tutoring has helped me a lot. I know for me, if I didn't go there for the extra help, I would not be doing that great.”

It is very possible that you have never heard of this strange place. It’s ok. I forgive you. The truth is, most Marist students do not know that it exists. Over 150 bookings have been logged so far this semester, yet it is still not close to being used to its full capacity. “I don't think that the WLS is utilized enough by the student body,” says Crystal Barroca, manager at the Weiss Language Center, “If students have a language that interests them, but they don't have enough time for a minor or major, then it is a great way to learn. In addition, the language center can be very useful to people who are going abroad and are not familiar with the language.”

You hear that, Florence-bound people? As per Lorenzo De’ Medici policy, you will have to take an Italian class during your semester, so a few trips a month to the WLS to get your feet wet wouldn’t hurt. If you don’t think language learning is for you, feel free to stop by on Tuesdays at 6:30pm and learn about what’s going on globally at our weekly event: ‘World Watch.’ From food-waste policy in Europe, to protests in Hong Kong, our discussion topics are wide-ranging and presented in an engaging manner by our coaches.

While the language center’s main focus is coaching, it has also realized various projects for the local community. For example, two years ago, the Center translated the entirety of the Huguenot Street Walking Tour application into several languages and recorded voiceovers for the New Paltz based non-profit organization, Historic Huguenot Street. Coaches are also encouraged to undertake their own projects, or assist professors in related research. 

            Whether it be to prepare for a semester abroad, or simply to watch “Money Heist” in the original language, the WLC will help you achieve your linguistic goals. Make an appointment online, or simply stop by LIB 304 any time between 5-9pm Monday to Thursday or 3-7pm Sunday to meet with a coach. 

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