Homecoming & Reunion Weekend Returns
Marist '21 Alumnia on Homecoming Weekend. Courtesy of Amelia Morel '21
After a year of having no visitors on campus due to the Covid pandemic, the college held its first Homecoming and Reunion weekend since 2019. On Saturday afternoon, around 500 alumni and guests returned to the campus green to celebrate their time at Marist.
“It was really fun to see people I haven’t seen in a few years and it was great to meet a few new alumni and students,” Santosh Krishnan ‘20 said.
After arriving on campus, alumni had a variety of events to choose from on Saturday. Starting in the morning, the Men's Tennis team held an invitational. In the reception tent behind the student dining hall, the Alumni Association held a Theatre Hall of Fame induction.
“Our congratulations go out to the 2021 inductees of the Marist College Theatre Hall of Fame: Brother Joseph L. R Belanger, FMS ’48 (posthumously), Joe De Tura ’70 (posthumously), Dave Margalotti ’86, Karla M. Gareau ’04, Christina Tello ’09, and Matt “Pags” Pagliaro ’10,” the Alumni Association website said. “We thank them for their outstanding contributions to the history of theatre at Marist College.”
After the theater ceremony, many alumni made their way to the Tenny Stadium for the home football game of Marist versus Morehead State. Prior to the game, the Red Fox singers and band took to the filed for a live performance as they were accompanied by former alumni in the music department.
“I was thrilled to sing again with my fellow alumni and Marist friends,” former Marist Circle Editor in Chief Sarah Lynch said. “This past year was incredibly difficult for the music department and the pandemic made what we loved so much essentially forbidden. To sing safely with the people who made Marist so special meant everything to me.”
Although the Red Foxes lost the football game, the alumni and fans enjoyed the community the game provided. After the game, a reunion celebration was held under a tent set up on the campus green. Alumni paid for admission into the tent and were able to have food and drinks while connecting with other former Marist students.
Students from MPorium also hosted a “pop up shop” on the green where they were selling clothing and other student-made merchandise. The Study Abroad Program and the Student Government Association also spent time with the alumni during their reunion celebration.
“My favorite part was the alumni tent since there was good food and I got to meet alumni from different years,” Amelia Morel ‘21 said. “I really enjoyed it, I was so happy to be back on campus with my friends.”
The largest representation of alumni came from the class of 2001 and 2021. President Kevin C. Weinman officially took over for President Dennis J. Murray on October 4 and was a new face on campus for Marist alumni. Almost all the alumni who returned to campus were familiar with the former president Dennis J. Murray who served as the college president for the past 40 years.
After a full year of being unable to gather safely, the Marist Alumni Association was successful in uniting former students as they celebrated the weekend with those who made their college experience special.