Security Beat: Feb. 18, 2020

As winter drags on and the weather remains chilly, students of Marist College have become

agitated to a point of participating in illicit activities. These actions range from the possession of

Alcohol and Marijuana to the damaging of school property.

An ongoing issue in the Midrise dorm is the destruction of light fixtures. Two separate events left

the lights in the stairway leading to the third and fourth floor broken. This includes the covers to

the light fixtures and the lights themselves. Another case of criminal mischief occurred in Lower

West Cedar when glue was found to be put into the outside of a townhouse door, causing the

lock to be unusable and the door locked.

There were two separate instances of drug violations in Foy and Champagnat. In both cases, a

Residential Advisor or Residential Director was engaging in inspections when they found

contraband items including drug paraphernalia, marijuana, and alcohol. In Champagnat, the RA

smelled a marijuana odor and followed it to the door that it was emanating from where they

found the drug along with paraphernalia.

There were also multiple cases of Larceny. Five towels went missing from Lower Fulton after

being put in a machine. Various pieces of clothing have gone missing as well. A student failed to

put their sweatpants and sweatshirt in a locker in the McCann Center and found them missing

when they returned. There was also a coat left in the women’s bathroom of Donelly Hall that

was taken. Luckily, security tracked down the coat and returned it to the owner, along with

confronting the alleged culprit.

A bicycle was also taken outside of the Allied Health Building. The student was running late to

class and did not lock up the bike. When they returned it disappeared and is still yet to be found.

These instances of apparel and bicycle abductions should act as a reminder for students to

properly secure their belongings when in a public area.

Cole ArmstrongComment