Thank You, Professor McNulty Erin-Leigh Hoffman & Marist Circle StaffApril 30, 2024journalism, school of communication and the arts, professor spotlightComment
Visionaries of Tomorrow: Measure Magazine to Feature AI Generated Student Owen WhelanApril 16, 2024marist fashion, measure magazine, student runComment
Featured Classes for Fall 2024 Registration Jessi DworkinApril 16, 2024Registration, stress, fall semesterComment
A Closer Look at Bridge Infrastructure Across the US Marley PopeApril 16, 2024bridges, infrastructure, baltimore Comment
Addressing the Post-Pandemic Mental Health Crisis Among College Students Matthew DevineApril 16, 2024Mental Health, counseling, student wellnessComment
Great American Solar Eclipse Comes to Marist Erin HoltonApril 16, 2024Solar Eclipse, Totality, Marist CollegeComment
The Student-to-Professor Perspective Emma CornfeldtApril 4, 2024Alumni Spotlight, Alumni, Ryan StevensComment
Miami Breaks Up With Spring Break Hannah EpsteinApril 3, 2024spring break, travel, college studentsComment
Navigating the Triumphs and Trials of Student Scheduling Jamie HolzmannApril 3, 2024advising, Registration, registarComment
Gavin Cooper's Journey Through 'The Sword, the Antler, and Blood-Stained Grass' Victoria PalumboApril 3, 2024marist fashion, student spotlight, SilverNeedleRunwayComment
Coral Bleaching, Explained Emma DenesApril 3, 2024environmental protection, Climate Change, marine lifeComment
A Look Into the Hudson River Valley Institute Erin HoltonApril 2, 2024Hudson River Valley Institute, History, Marist CollegeComment
Stitching Cultures: An International Fashion Student's Journey Lea PapakosmasMarch 7, 2024student spotlight, Fashion Design, InternationalComment
Spotlight on the Marist Media Center Lea PapakosmasMarch 6, 2024media center, school of communication and the arts, spotlightComment
How Marist Made Chris Algozzine the Person He is Today Emma CornfeldtMarch 6, 2024Marist Alumnus, alumni spotlight, computer science and mathematicsComment
Hidden Gems Across Campus Jessi DworkinFebruary 21, 2024student life, marist college, fern torComment
Career Closet Provides Professional Attire for Students Natalie SpinaFebruary 21, 2024career services, workplace, career closetComment
Researchers Identify Top Biological Conservation Issues of 2024 Emma DenesFebruary 21, 2024environment, biodiversity, conservationComment
Marist’s Outing Club Gets Students Into The Great Outdoors Emma StuberFebruary 21, 2024outdoors, hiking, Hudson ValleyComment
Marist Fashion Student Achieves Success On Netflix and Off Christian AvancenaFebruary 9, 2024marist student, netflix, fashionComment