Guest Speakers at Marist: More Diversity in Speakers and Subjects
The Marist College campus has been buzzing lately with guest speakers and ongoing events on campus. From Marist Alumni Shwan Ahmed ‘19, a social media strategist and viral TikTok creator; Kevin Bozeman, a comedian and podcaster; to the ESPN guest speaker event that was held on Feb. 15.
Two speakers from ESPN came and discussed the importance of having good communication skills when it comes to applying for a job and how to make yourself stand out. At the event, students asked various questions about what they can do to prepare and were inspired to try and put themselves out there. I went to this event and all I have to say is that it was very informative and I’m glad that I went. As a sports communication major, I learned a lot about what I can do with my major and what jobs are out there.
One thing that I was a little disappointed about is how they didn’t know about the journalism side. I want to be a sports writer/reporter, and hearing that you possibly might not be on camera or be a writer after you graduate is disappointing. But one thing that is on the positive side is that you could broaden your talents, and take them with you to your future job.
Matt Spirio ‘23 shared his thoughts about the ESPN guest speaker event. “The events and speaker series that have occurred this year have been geared toward helping students in whatever they plan to do after college,” he said. “The speakers were cordial and accommodating and really encouraged students to reach out and stay connected.”
Though Spirio enjoyed the events held so far but hopes to see more events and guest speakers that cover other areas of Communications. “The ESPN and upcoming MLB Network events are great for people like me who want to go into production,” he said. “But I also think of my friends who really want to get into journalism and would love for them to also have the chance to talk to people who are in their field.”
I would love to see some of the past guest speakers return to Marist for future events so other students can share in the experience. Even though this is my first semester at Marist, when I went on a tour of the Lowell Thomas Communication Center in 2021, I heard that Mina Kimes was going to speak to the Marist students via zoom. Not only is she amazing, but she embodies what it’s like to be a woman in sports. I think she should come back again and talk to the new students who have joined the Marist campus.
With that being said, I also think that Marist should host events that interest every student. Not only should the events be for communication majors, but for all majors. Marist should invite professionals to talk about their experiences, whether that's alumni or successful people in their fields. The college should have the students engage with the speakers and really grasp what it is they are trying to accomplish in their lives.
I’d also like to see some speakers visit to address mental health issues on campus. Other events should be a place where students can get together and talk about their personal experiences with college and navigating life. It is really important to get involved and students can do that, only if they are comfortable about who is speaking and the events that are held.
There are so many opportunities for Marist to get people from all fields of study to come and talk to students but also think about the others who need the guidance and the confidence of other people. Hopefully moving forward, Marist will have events where all students feel connected to the speakers coming and walk out with a great experience.
Photo by Pixabay