Inviting You to Contribute to our Dialogue

We value an open and informed dialogue between members of our student body, and we believe that a college newspaper’s Opinion Section is a powerful vehicle for such discussions.

The Marist Circle Editorial Board is made up of 21 Marist students who collaborate to craft an editorial direction for our student-run newspaper. The pieces published in our Opinion Section do not speak for the newsroom or the Marist Circle as an organization. Marist Circle strives to represent the voices of students fairly and accurately, and we refuse to censor any students’ voices in our Opinion Section, as a college newspaper holds a vital responsibility to act as a public forum for all students. 

That being said, every piece in our opinion section is inherently subject to informed debate and countering perspectives. We aim to practice the same editorial rigor of our newsroom through all sections of our newspaper, and having diverse schools of thought occupying our Opinion Section will help us to do that.

Therefore, we invite you to contact us to support or counter any opinion that we publish. We value an open and informed dialogue between members of our student body, and we believe that a college newspaper’s opinion section is a powerful vehicle for such discussions.

In an era of heightened scrutiny on the American press, and the increased importance for transparency in editorial decisions — Marist Circle strives to present the Marist community with comprehensive explanations and clarifications for our presentation of information. 

Marist Circle does not accept submissions. In order to write for our opinion section, please contact our Opinion Editor at We want to hear your voice. 

Marist CircleComment