Home for the Holidays: Marist Christmas Tree Lighting Event Brings Music, Joy, and Giving Spirit Amanda GorrinDecember 10, 2024Holidays, campus newsComment
Self-Defense Event Trains Students to Fight Back Cora FlynnDecember 9, 2024self defense, campus newsComment
SGA Discusses Improvements to Parking and Gourmet Dining Caleb TyszNovember 18, 2024Marist SGA, Parking, gourmet dining Comment
John Breiner Explores Graffiti and Community in “Vanishing Playgrounds” Ciara MolloyNovember 17, 2024art, guest speaker, campus newsComment
“Songs of Slavery and Emancipation” Screened with Film’s Director in Fusco Hall Gabriella NobouNovember 14, 2024film, history departmentComment
“Border-Crossing Arts”: A Discussion of Speculative Fiction, Ethics and Identity Vania OmosemojeNovember 13, 2024marist college, Lecture Series, guest speakerComment
Sustainability on Campus Takes on a New Focus Cora FlynnNovember 11, 2024Sustainability, environmentComment
Fostering Dialogue and Civic Engagement at Marist Amina OrzuevaNovember 11, 2024DEI, campus eventsComment
The Power of Purple: Marist Students Color Their Commitment to End Domestic Violence Jamie HolzmannOctober 31, 2024domestic violence, Title IXComment
Professor Pinto Handler Recounts the Forgotten History of Animals in Latin America Andrew BreenOctober 30, 2024Lecture Series, AnimalsComment
The Battle for New York: Ryan vs. Esposito Lea PapakosmasOctober 29, 2024Pat Ryan, Alison Esposito, CongressComment
Security’s Hands Full Before Halloween Ben RossiOctober 29, 2024Safety and Security, Marist SecurityComment
Amy Wu Shares the Importance of Women in the AgTech Industry Emma GaeckleinOctober 28, 2024documentary, guest speakerComment
Border-Crossing Arts: An Eye-Opening Lecture Series Vania OmosemojeOctober 17, 2024Yusang Pak, guest lecture, english departmentComment
Security Working on Mass Communications App Ben RossiOctober 15, 2024Marist Security, Campus SafetyComment
President Weinman Celebrates Abroad Students Hannah EpsteinOctober 15, 2024Marist Abroad, President WeinmanComment