Presidential Search Update

The Marist College Presidential Search is still ongoing. The 21-member Presidential Search Committee led by Ross Mauri ’80, chair of Marist College Board of Trustees, will be broadening its search and considering additional candidates over the next few months. 


The Committee has partnered with an executive search team from Isaacson, Miller led by Kate Barry. Barry has worked at Isaacson, Miller since 2005 and her recent presidential searches include those for Purchase College (SUNY), Washington University in St. Louis, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, St. Lawrence University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Union College, and the University of New Hampshire. Additionally, Barry has led other academic leadership searches, including those for a provost or dean, for Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Grinnell College, New York University, Sacred Heart University, Tulane University, University of Chicago, and University of Georgia. 

Regarding the partnership with the Isaacson, Miller team, Mauri said, “We chose to partner with Isaacson, Miller to broaden the search and ensure that the presidential search committee is seeing the very best candidates. The team we selected has extensive experience with presidential searches and is prepared to work with the committee to actively recruit successful leaders into the process who are not necessarily seeking new positions, but who have the experiences and style necessary to successfully lead Marist at this exciting moment in our history.”

In his memorandum to the Marist College Community, Mauri writes, “I will continue to keep the Marist community informed about the Presidential Search Committee’s work, and will plan to send out an update on our progress by the end of the spring 2021 term.”