Marist College to Reopen Campus in the Fall
President Dennis J. Murray announced Marist College’s plan for reopening campus in the fall on Thursday evening. The semester will start one week earlier than planned and continue online after Thanksgiving.
“We are confident that our reopening strategy will protect the health and safety of the entire Marist community. To the extent policies and procedures evolve, we will keep you informed every step of the way as the fall semester approaches,” Murray said, adding that the college must adhere to “federal, state, and county guidelines.” He said any further changes will be communicated.
The extended move-in process will begin mid-August, and in-person classes begin Aug. 24 and end Nov. 24. Courses start online on Nov. 30 and end Dec. 4, with finals exams conducted online from Dec. 7-11.
The updated semester plan includes some Saturday classes, classes on Labor Day and no mid-semester break, which Murray said will discourage travel and thus limit exposure to the virus. Murray referenced changes in activities and health protocols, but released no specific details at this time.
“We’ll be implementing health measures such as social distancing and density reduction, new protocols for how academic coursework is delivered, restrictions on large gatherings, the use of face masks in certain situations, enhanced cleaning protocols, virus testing, and others. Our plans draw heavily from guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), state and local governments, as well as advice from our own medical and health experts,” Murray said.
The early start follows from epidemiologists’ predictions of a second wave of COVID-19 cases around December. Marist will also accommodate students with online options if they choose not to return to campus.
Due to the college’s zero tuition increase for the 2020-2021 year, Murray said some “belt-tightening” will occur.
“Vice President for Student Affairs Deb DiCaprio will provide you with information about student and residential life, Vice President for Academic Affairs Thom Wermuth will outline academic protocols, and Executive Vice President Geoff Brackett will send details on overall campus health guidelines and requirements. Marist will also be offering webinars for students and their families about these measures,” Murray said.
Source: Tara Guaimano