President Murray Announces Board-Level Committee to Address Racial Climate

President Dennis J. Murray’s first email addressing George Floyd's death and the surrounding events in the nation came to the Marist College community on June 3. On Friday, Murray responded to community feedback and vowed to make changes to create a more inclusive institution, starting with a Board-level committee. 

“This Board committee will set up processes to listen to and understand the lived experiences of those who have expressed concerns about the College’s racial climate,” Murray said. “And we’d like to hear from the Marist community on what specific topics you think the committee should address. Some of the most obvious are hiring practices for faculty and staff, curriculum, training and campus climate, but there may be others. The Board and I are deeply committed to ensuring that all members of the Marist community feel valued and heard, and you should feel free to share your thoughts at”

Chairman Ross Mauri ’80 established the committee and appointed Trustee Stan Harris ’68/’06M at the head. The President also reassured students that he is looking to communicate with them more frequently and directly to better understand the challenges facing students of color on campus and beyond. 

“We will listen to students, faculty, staff, alumni, the Black Student Union, Red Foxes Against Racism, the Diversity Council, the Diversity & Inclusion Alumni Advisory Board, and any other group that would like to express its views to the Board,” President Murray said. “Based on the feedback received, the committee will then approve specific action goals, implementation plans, timelines and accountability. We’ll look forward to providing regular public reports on the progress made toward achieving our aims. As the Board committee’s composition and plans take shape in the coming weeks, we will offer further updates.” 

In the memorandum, Murray specifically addressed the death of Maurice Gordon, a black man who was shot by a white officer after a traffic stop on the Garden State Parkway. The shooting occurred just two days before the death of George Floyd, and video footage was released on June 8.  

“On a personal note, let me say that of all the very real challenges facing Black Americans, the killing of unarmed citizens by police is the one that pains me the most,” Murray said. “Gordon was a Dutchess Community College student and Poughkeepsie resident, so this tragedy really hits home and underscores the need for meaningful change.”

Members of the Marist community have criticized the President's response that came nine days after the killing of George Floyd. The first post from the Instagram account garnered over 1000 likes and encouraged students to make their need for action known to Murray. Olivia Knox ‘21 shared her disappointment about the silence from the Marist administration. 

“I hope that going forward Marist is more conscious and aware of the issues that their students are dealing with,” Knox said. “Whether these issues are brought to light or not, there have been far too many. We, as the students of color, cannot and will not tolerate this going forward.” 

The President ended his memorandum by reminding students that this will be his last year serving as the president of Marist and outlining what he hopes to accomplish.

“I have two major goals: helping the College successfully navigate the coronavirus crisis and addressing these very significant issues. I hope I can count on everyone’s support in making Marist a more welcoming and inclusive institution for all of our community members,” Murray said.

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