One-Credit Classes

With registration coming up, many students stress over ensuring they get into the classes they

need. This leads to some students to forget the classes offered at Marist that may not fill any specific requirements, but are often are covered in their tuition: one credit classes.

“I have taken two one-credit classes, boxing, and karate, and I found them through just searching through all the classes on myMarist, but I do not know much about other one-credit classes,” Brianna Furlough ‘18, said.

Full-time student tuition covers 16 credits per semester, and the average course load for majors, with the often exception of computer science, is five three-credit classes. Therefore, there is one credit covered by tuition that is not fulfilled by the average course load. Many students choose to only take 15 credits, but some others decide to take full advantage of the money they are paying for credits.

When planning your courses for next semester, here are some one credit classes that are offered that can be beneficial or fun to take:

Financial Literacy (BUS 120) Employment Practicum (CRDV 100)

Career Planning and Decision Making (CRDV 105) MS Excel (CMPT 105)

Fashion Figure Drawing (FASH 131) Critical Reading and Thinking (LEARN 119)

Beginning Piano I (MUS 107)   Beginning Classical Ballet (PHED 105)

Golf (PHED 120) Volleyball (PHED 121)

Archery (PHED 123) Conditioning (PHED 124)

Modern Dance I (PHED 128) Boxing (PHED 132)

Fencing (PHED 134) Beginning Swimming (PHED 139)

Karate 1 (PHED 146)   Yoga (PHED 147)

Although each of these classes may not be offered every semester, there still is a much wider variety that can be found on the course catalogue.

Typically, one-credit classes are held either once a week for the full duration of the semester or twice a week for only one half of the semester. These one-credit classes can be a chance to learn a new skill, to release stress or to meet new people, all while being covered by the tuition that is already being paid.

Hannah KirkComment