Cuomo Lifts Some New York State Restrictions
Gov. Andrew Cuomo will begin to lift restrictions on various public gatherings in the coming weeks and days. As of March 22, indoor fitness classes are allowed to resume at 33% capacity statewide. In addition, five remaining yellow zone clusters were lifted, and the 11 p.m. curfew for many entertainment facilities has been pushed back to 12 a.m. As of March 31, New York had a statewide positivity rate of 3.80%, and as infection rates continue to adjust, public officials will watch for further progress to reopen more businesses to a greater extent.
Source: "Governor Cuomo's Major Agenda Proposal" by MTAPhotos is licensed under CC BY 2.0
”We know the vaccine is the weapon that defeats this invisible enemy, and we are getting more shots in arms than ever before. As we re-open and an increasing number of New Yorkers receive their vaccines, it is more important than ever to continue the practices we know to stop the spread of COVID-19. I encourage New Yorkers to continue to wear their masks, practice social distancing and wash their hands. We are reaching the light at the end of the tunnel, and if we stay in New York Tough, we will get there together,” Cuomo said in his announcement on March 25.
The indoor fitness class openings continue to require each member to be screened before entry, and after each class, the gym facility will clean and disinfect all equipment. The news is welcomed by many gym owners as many fitness centers are struggling financially due to months of low customer volume and high restrictions.
Government agents lifted restrictions on movie theaters, bowling alleys, billiards halls, gyms and fitness centers. The current curfew of 11 p.m. will be changed on April 5 to 12 a.m. The progress is a sign of hope to the struggling businesses; however, if case counts do not improve, there is no guarantee that the restrictions will not have to be reinstated. The deciding factor rests upon how the statewide infection rate either increases or remains level through late April. At the end of the month, officials will reassess to make the best decision going forward.
Approximately 135 new cases arise in Dutchess County per day, while the state of New York averages about 10,000 cases daily. Dutchess County had 1.5% of New York State cases up to March 29.
Currently, a total of 109,423 cases are active in New York State, from March 16 to March 29, with the majority of these cases coming from New York City at 57,799 cases.
New York State has been a hot spot for COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic. The opening of indoor facilities in a minor capacity is not a huge step forward. As more people become eligible to receive the vaccine and case numbers drop more significantly, further restrictions lifts may be on the way.