The Digital Fight for Unionization on Capitol Hill Emily StellakisFebruary 23, 2022Uninionization, Capitol Hill, Unions, Congress, Working Conditions, Washington DCComment
Marist Alumni Eric Adams Sworn in as Mayor of NYC Alexandria SanatoreFebruary 23, 2022Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City, Marist Masters Program, NYCComment
The United States Issues a Diplomatic Boycott against the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing Greta StuckeyFebruary 9, 2022Olympics, Boycott, Winter 2022 Olympics, Joe Biden, American Athletes, Sports, Olympic GamesComment
Justice Breyer Retires from Supreme Court; Biden to Nominate First Black Woman Justice Emily StellakisFebruary 9, 2022JusticeStephenBreyer, Supreme Court, JoeBiden, FirstBlackWomanJustice, US Supreme Court, Supreme Court JusticeComment
Labor Shortage and supply chain issues bring more stress to holiday shopping season Mia DeSimoneDecember 9, 2021supply chain, labor shortage, holiday seasonComment
Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted of all charges in case that sparked nationwide debate Matthew DonohueDecember 9, 2021self-defense, kyle rittenhouse, gun rights, kenosha, Black Lives MatterComment
Supreme Court appears likely to uphold restrictive Mississippi abortion ban Emily StellakisDecember 9, 2021abortion, Supreme Court, supreme courtComment
Newburgh School Temporarily Closed After Four Teens Shot NewsGreta StuckeyNovember 19, 2021Newburgh, School, Gun ViolenceComment
House passes historic $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill Emily StellakisNovember 18, 2021biden administration, president biden, Joe Biden, joe biden, Biden, biden, House of Representatives, infrastructure billComment
Former Resident Director Coral Santos Runs For Local Office Brian McHughNovember 18, 2021local news, marist alum, councilwoman of poughkeepsie, ward 4, coral santos, VotingComment
New York State and Dutchess County Election Recap Matthew DonohueNovember 18, 2021Dutchess County, election, new york state, proposalComment
Biden urges action on climate change at global COP26 summit Ava HerringNovember 18, 2021biden administration, cop26, climate change, climate change summitComment
Violence Erupts in Poughkeepsie Over the Halloween Weekend Greta StuckeyNovember 5, 2021Poughkeepsie, local news, halloweenComment
New York Approval Rating of Governor Hochul Greta StuckeyNovember 5, 2021new york, governor, marist poll, governor hutchelComment
White House scrambles to resolve supply chain issues amid backlash Emily StellakisNovember 5, 2021white house, biden administration, Biden, biden, Joe Biden, president biden, joe biden, supply chainComment
New York Vaccine Mandates Have Proven to be Effective but at a Cost Matthew DonohueOctober 25, 2021vaccine, vaccine mandate, COVID-19, covid-19 vaccine, healthcare, pandemic, new york city, understaffing, labor shortageComment
Congressional Democrats Anticipate Cuts to Biden’s Social Spending Bill Amid Party Disputes Emily StellakisOctober 25, 2021biden, joe biden, democrat, spending bill, build back better, politicsComment
Facebook Under Fire as Whistleblower Reveals Harmful Practices Brian McHughOctober 25, 2021facebook, whistleblower, congress, social mediaComment